University of Pardubice

Basic information

About us

The Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer (CTKT) is an overarching workplace, which, in part with the University of Pardubice, supports and develops the transfer of knowledge and technology into practice and actively seeks opportunities to work together with businesses.

CTKT activities

  • Commercialization of research results
  • Support of the proof-of-concept activities
  • Administration and evidence of intellectual property
  • Education in the field of technology transfer

O instituci

Full name: University of Pardubice
Member of since: 2014
Type of membership: regular member
Main Areas of Expertise: Organic chemistry
Analytic chemistry, separations
Industrial chemistry and chemical engineering
Electronics and optoelectronics
Electrical engineering
Land transportation systems and equipment

Contact technology information

Name of workplace: Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer
Contact address: náměstí Čs. legií 565 530 02 Pardubice
Name and surname: Petr Kalenda
Name and surname: Ondřej Fína
