Institute of Animal Science

Basic information

Welcome to the Institute of Animal Science (IAS), a centre of research into the biological and bio-technological basis of animal science.

IAS carries out basic and applied research focusing on innovation and the practical use of knowledge in animal science. Eight research departments investigate animal genetics and breeding, bio-technology and reproduction, nutrition, quality of products, animal ethology and welfare, breeding technology, herd management and production economy. We work mainly with dairy and beef cattle, pigs, poultry, rabbits, deer, horses, sheep and goats.

In addition to basic and applied research, IAS carries out other expert activities. One of the most significant is the implementation of the National Programme for Conservation and Utilization of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, where the Institute is an expert reference, coordinator and administrator and also takes care of the related international agenda. The Institute also provides for the activity of the Scientific Board for Animal Nutrition, and has been entrusted by the Ministry of Agriculture to represent the Czech Republic in the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP).

O instituci

Full name: Institute of Animal Science
Member of since: Not known
Type of membership: regular member

Contact technology information

Name of workplace: Transfer VUZV
Contact address:
Name and surname: Jan Syrůček
