Platforma „muF4NaS“: mikrofluidní platforma pro separaci a detekci neuroaktivních steroidů

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Název technologie: Platforma „muF4NaS“: mikrofluidní platforma pro separaci a detekci neuroaktivních steroidů
Motivace: There are no commercially available lab-on-a-chip solutions for neuroactive steroids separation/detection. However, superior start-up is promised by the longlasting collaboration with experts on neuroactive steroids detection and separation in human blood samples, as well as “know-how” in microdialysis and neuroscience/biomedicine
methods, and deep understanding of neuroactive steroids role in neuromodulation and
association with various neurological diseases.
Popis: A lab-on-a-chip is a miniaturized device that combines one or several
analyses, such as DNA sequencing, immunoassays, steroids levels, or many others biochemical
detections. The history of lab-on-a-chip is de facto linked to the microfluidics that exploit
chemical-physical properties of liquids at a microscale. Microfluidics allow the analysis and
use of less volume of samples, chemicals and reagents reducing the global fees of applications.
Neuroactive steroids directly modulate the neurotransmitter receptors of the central nervous
system (CNS) by nongenomic pathway and thus influence the excitability of nervous tissue.
They are playing important role in the brain physiology, but also correlated with a
symptomatology and severity of diseases (epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.).
There is a thin line in a balance of differently polar neuroactive steroids, and a violation of this
balance can serve as an important pointer into disease progression. A lab-on-a-chip solution
that allows to separate and detect neuroactive steroids based on their chemical-physical
properties can be applied to quickly indicate balance disruption.
Komerční využití: Lab-on-a-chip solution for the steroids separation and
detection can be later commercially used for:
• validation a neuroprotective effect of neurosteroids in the fetus.
• diagnostics of steroid endocrinopathies (Cushing's Disease / Cushing Disease, adrenal tumors,
gonadal dysfunction, subclinical hypercortisolism, diagnostics of adrenal dysfunctions,
comparison of chronological and physiological age (impact on immunity and mental abilities
from the point of view of adrenal cortex function, classification of some psychiatric diseases -
affective disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, reproductive disorders - (catamenial)
epilepsy, epilepsy in men, complications in pregnancy - intrahepatic cholestasis, premature
birth (namely, the estimation of the date of birth), diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cancers,
endometriosis, ADHD.
• Last but not least, to perform timely and inexpensive quantification of disposable steroids.
Status IP ochrany: The IP protection plan is being prepared
Fáze vývoje technologie:

Fáze 2

Odpovídá TRL 3 a TRL 4

Výzkum proveditelnosti. Dochází k reálnému návrhu technologie a k prvotním testům v laboratoři vedoucím k upřesnění požadavků na technologii a jejích schopností.

  • TRL 3 představuje ucelenou představu na technologii s návrhem konkrétních kroků, testů a experimentů, které bude třeba uskutečnit, aby se ověřilo, že je nápad reálný
  • TRL 4 je ověření funkčnosti v laboratoři. Výsledkem TRL 4 představuje tzv. Proof-of-Concept. Technologie je tedy navržena a je ověřena její funkčnost v omezených podmínkách
Strategie pro hledání partnera: Investice Licencování Spolupráce
Další informace:
Ilustrační obrázky: Žádný obrázek není vložen
Kategorie: Výzkumné nástroje Farmacie Diagnostika Věda o životě a zdraví
Vlastník technologie: Center for Technology Transfer - National Institute of Mental Health CZ (NIMH)
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