Technology overview

Welcome to the Transfera Technology database.

The Database is a central place for presenting the innovative and commercially usable projects from universities and RaD institutions from all over Czech Republic. If you are looking for an interesting innovation or research partner for your further development, you have come to the right place. In case you do not choose from the projects presented below, do not hesitate to contact us with your request using the inquiry form on your right.

The Transfera Database is there for you to help you to take the right direction in the world of innovation.

Found 15 results
The name of the technology Institution
Ac-tive - Innovative needles for electroacupuncture
Medical Devices
Palacký University Olomouc
Recliner with sensors
Medical Devices, Diagnostics
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava
Inovativní technologie pro respirační terapii
Podstatou vynálezu je akustické měření objemu vdechovaného a vydechovaného vzduchu při cvičení prováděných pomocí stávajících a v...
Medical Devices
Czech Technical University in Prague
Magnetically controlled microfluidic pump
Medical Devices, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
lab-on-chip magnetic field microfluidic technology nanomedicine pharmacy point-of-care testing
University of West Bohemia
A joint with two degrees of freedom for use in exoskeletons and rehabilitation devices
Medical Devices, Robotics and cybernetics
VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava
Low temperature plasma source for medical bioapplications
The atmospheric source of low-temperature plasma is intended for use in various medical applications such as disinfection, wound healing, dermatology...
Medical Devices
Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS
New type of audiometer and measuring equipment for comprehensive hearing examination
New type of audiometer allows more tests and higher accuracy than current audiometers. It makes maximum use of standardized protocols and quality...
Medical Devices, Diagnostics
Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS
MyoGraf - Portable electromyograph for contactless measurement of mussle activity.
Research Tools, Medical Devices, Diagnostics, Life Science and Health, Electrical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Pulsating high speed water jet
The pulsating water jet represents a significant advance in reducing the energy requirements of water jet breaking of materials. It allows a...
Medical Devices, Engineering
Institute of Geonics Czech Academy of Sciences
Pad for sensing the load and position of the patient
Research Tools, Medical Devices, Diagnostics, Life Science and Health, Electrical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Phantom for ultrasound navigated brain surgery training
The technology presented is a disposable operable brain model (phantom) containing key brain structures and including several tumors. Compared to...
Medical Devices, Life Science and Health
brain brain model neurosurgery phantom ultrasound navigated operation
Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové
Heat exchanger with laminarizer
The heat exchanger with laminarizer has been developed by the research team of the Institute of Biophysics at School of Medicine in Pilsen of Charles...
Research Tools, Medical Devices, Life Science and Health
blood coagulation cooling exchanger
Charles University
Portable low-cost device for examination of visual evoked potentials (VEPs)
The Electrophysiological Laboratory at Charles University - Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic) has developed a novel low-cost...
Research Tools, Medical Devices, Diagnostics
diagnostics evoked potential neurology perception VEP
Charles University
Muscle strength measuring device
The lack of quantitative data of muscle strength resulted in the development of our device. Our solution is objective dynamometry. The device works...
Medical Devices, Pharma, Sports & Recreational activities
dynamometer measuring device muscle rehabilitation sport sport medicine strenght
Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové
Light activated nanomaterials fighting infections
LAM-X develops active nanomaterials that effectively eliminate a wide range of infectious agents trapped on their surfaces. The antimicrobial effect...
Medical Devices
active materials antimicrobial materials antimicrobial resistence singlet oxygen
i&i Prague

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